Workforce Readiness

The Workforce Readiness Committee works to monitor and evaluate activities concerning workforce readiness issues and plans and encourages HR Tampa activities related to workforce readiness.  The Director presents a report and provides updates to the Board of Directors and members and works in collaboration with State-level workforce readiness advocates for education programs,   Serve as a resource for chapter members on workforce readiness issues and provide leadership to the chapter on education issues, and Monitor local activities concerning workforce readiness.

Watch for our Quarterly #HRinspire events bringing the HR community in transition, military/spouses, students, and employers hiring together for networking and connections.  

HR Tampa Workforce Readiness Committee, primarily focuses on:

  • HR Professionals in transition-a special group #HRInspire has been created to support the needs of these professionals through networking events with employers and recruiters to foster networking;
  • Military personnel reentering the workforce and furthering their careers; and
  • Development of the future workforce through initiatives with schools. 

We are looking for volunteers!   Any active member of HR Tampa interested can contact for further details on getting involved in these efforts.
